
Showing posts from March, 2020


L293D is 16 PIN Motor Driver IC . It’s very useful in driving DC and stepper Motor for Robotic car. It can drive two motors. There are many Motor driver boards designed using L293D available in the market. If you are concerned about size and space than consider soldering L293D by yourself, The benefit you can save money, space and avoid additional components.  This is a simple PIN soldering detail as given below? 1.     Solder and join PIN 1,9,8,16 and connect to 5V power supply( Red Wire), This will drive both Motors on 5V 2.     Join PIN 4, 5, 12 and 13 to ground. Solder them all together. Connect to ground of power supply (Black wire) 3.     PIN 2 and 7 are data signal input from  Raspberry PI GPIO PIN  to drive Motor 1 connected to PIN 3 and 6 4.     PIN 10 and 15 are data signal from  Raspberry PI GPIO PIN  to drive Motor 2 connected to PIN 11 and 14 ...

Orange Pi DC motor Driver at Leenabot

In this article, I am explaining how to drive 5V DC Motor using Orange Pi and Dual Chanel Motor driver L9110. This is the GPIO PIN diagram for Orange Pi. Orange Pi has 40 GPIO PINs which can be used for Embedded programming. I am using GPIO PIN PA7 and PA8(PIN 29 & 31) for this demo to send control signal to Motor driver L9110. L9110 can be used to drive two motors, DC or stepper Motors. In this demo I am using 5V DC motor.  The green socket in this picture is connected to DC motor two-wire each. L9110 has four input PINs, as shown in picture Motor A and Motor B input signal can be given to control two Motors. In this Demo, pins are connected as below 1. Motor A 1A is connected to GPIO PIN PA7 from Orange PI 2. Motor A 1B is connected to GPIO PIN PA8 from Orange PI 3. Ground from the external power supply  4. VCC 5V from the external power supply  5. Motor B 2A is not used in this demo 6. Motor B 2B is not used in th...


Raspberry Pi  is a credit card size, cost-effective open source computer with GPIO. 41 GPIO pin makes Raspberry Pi a suitable choice for simple and complex embedded designs, Such as Robotics. One interesting point about Pi is its open-source hardware and lot of detail available online. All three version of Raspberry Pi has an operating system, GPIO, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. other features are HDMI, USB, Ethernet, Display and camera for external interfaces. Please check this link to get more detail on  Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi supports many flavors of Linux, Ubuntu is the preferred OS, Also it has Raspbian Jessie OS, which is again designed on Ubuntu. I prefer using Raspbian OS because of compatibility and information available online. Check this link to download and  install Raspbian OS on to external Memory card . For Embedded work I prefer to install without NOOBS.  Raspberry Pi GPIO setting Pi has 41 GPIO PINs, four PINs ...