L293D is 16 PIN Motor Driver IC. It’s very useful in driving DC and stepper Motor for Robotic cars. It can drive two motors. There are many Motor driver boards designed using L293D available in the market. If you are concerned about size and space then consider soldering L293D by yourself, Benefit you can save money, space and avoid additional components. This is simple PIN soldering detail as given below? 1. Solder and join PIN 1,9,8,16 and connect to 5V power supply( Red Wire), This will drive both Motors on 5V 2. Join PIN 4, 5, 12, and 13 to ground. Solder them all together. Connect to the ground of power supply (Black wire) 3. PIN 2 and 7 are data signal input from Raspberry PI GPIO PIN to drive Motor 1 connected to PIN 3 and 6 4. PIN 10 and 15 are data signal from Raspberry PI GPIO PIN to drive Motor 2 connected to PIN 11 and 14 ...
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